
Fashion Friday: March 29, 2013

The reality is I have no idea what I'm doing. I've got no idea what I'm doing, regardless of how much I plan or organized. Not knowing what I'm doing, I've discovered is how most everyone feels. If you are one of the lucky ones who know exactly what you are doing each and everyday: Congratulations. (I genuinely mean that.) 

For a long while, especially this year, this unknowing-ness really really freaked me out. But, oddly, this blog, and my creative writing class which requires me to journal, has been my saving grace. I've had to actually sit down and write, unflinchingly,  twice a week. I've learned more things about myself than I actually knew was all up in my mess of a brain. So, regardless if anyone is actually reading this and relating, even just a little bit, I just want to say: Thank you and you are not alone.

Now, enjoy!!
That, my friends, is a two story closet. I approve!

Suit & Tie... Also, if you haven't purchased (read: heard) JT's new album....get on it!
The Voice by Shel Silverstein

Courtney Martin..  Oh and I've been reading  Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg.. (Probabaly, most definitiely, a March Favorite Read!)

Ohhh summer.. Please, please, hurry!

I love this color combo! So bright!!

Floral shorts? Juries still out on this trend...

This is like fall and spring combined...mostly fall...which I, of course, adore.
I LOVE this Tiffany Blue Trench. 

If you don't know who Cara Delevingne is, you might be living under a rock...  
She's Vogue's Model of the Year... 

and just awesome, in general. 

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