
Bookless Library: A Literary Nerd's Nightmare or Tech Kid's Dream?

Are the days of curling up with a 1st edition novel in the comfy chair in your childhood library gone?

Yesterday the first bookless public library opened in Texas...literary nerds everywhere cried. Just as any company, business or person almost doesn't exist unless they exist online or in an app, libraries are having to adapted to necessities. I can download any book that I want to into my phone in less time than it takes for me to write this post, but does it make it right??


I have loved books and stories since I was a little kid. I remember on Wednesday nights we, my mother and brother, would head to the library. I would fill up my backpack with new reads. I spent several summers in elementary school participating in different library summer events. One of my favorite relationships I had in high school with a teacher were with my Librarian and my English teacher; as a graduation gift, my Librarian gave me the book "The Guernsay Literary and Potato Peel Society" with the inscription: "I hope you never lose you love of books." Let me tell you, I didn't. I'm pro-book and yet, I'm pro-technology.

Books / Demotivation.us
I think the idea of an all tech library is so very cool. The place as 10,000 free e-books and physically houses 600 e-readers and 48 computer stations, its own app with the ownership 14 day countdown!! via No more late fees! The constant instant access that we as a society have become accustom to has now spread into our literary love of novels, and magazine. Plus the children focused tailored areas will still allow children to fall in love with books, just as I did.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.”  ~ Jorge Luis Borges  Gladstone Library, Flintshire, United Kingdom
"I have always imagined that Paradise will be some kind of library." via

Books are changing, yes. But they are still books. The stories, tales, adventures and all the things I fell in love with. and continue to every time I opened a new one, still exists. Someday I will probably tell my children "I remember when I was a kid, books were bound pages that we would dog ear to bookmark, write in and highlight with a pen/pencil." I'll show them my coffee stained favorites and encourage them to read and explore as much as I did...just with their iPads.

 Is that sad? Or exciting? Hash it out in the comments.

The BiblioTech Website -- Check it out! Pretty cool, I suppose. :D (The Changing Face of Public Libraries Infographic)

Yours xx

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