
Fashion Friday: July 5th, 2013

I am well aware that I haven't done a Fashion Friday in several Fridays. I apologize my faithful readers. I've been going to lots of changes with moving and a new job, but I am on my way to getting settled.

I think everyone has a "Someday..." list. Like "Someday... I will read all the books on my bookshelf." or "Someday... I will watch all the Instant Queue of my Netflix." Hey, we've all been there! I have a little Pinboard on Pinterest entitled "Someday..." full of things or ideas that I'd like to do someday. Some may be a bit, well, impossible and some are easy accomplishments. I definitely recommend making a board or even a list like this. Happy Friday, everyone! Oh and I hope you all had an amazing Fourth of July! Hooray America, and fireworks!!


First task after college graduation

Just for fun

Or at least someone's world




I think this would be soo much fun!

I just always forget..

what a view


oh yes!

HAHA  girl can dream can't she!?!


bucket list

bucket list


My dream is to...

What is on your "Someday..." list??

Yours xx
(Oh, I pinky promise, no crosses count, to be a better blogger!)


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